Tuesday Dinner with Bill-As Bill Sees It
The Tuesday Evening Dinner With Bill As Bill Sees It group of Alcoholics Anonymous is located at the Norwin Christian Church in North Huntingdon. There is fellowship starting around 5:30pm usually both inside and outside of the church if it is nice, with the meeting starting at 6:oopm. This meeting focuses on readings and discussions from the book As Bill Sees It. This is an Open meeting and all are welcome, so please come join us.
As you can see below, there is ample parking at the church. If looking at the front of the church from Barnes Lake Road, pull into the parking lot and come around to the back of the church. You will see a sign for a door that says office like in the picture below. Walk in the door, and down the hallway to the end and then turn to the left. On your right take the set of stairs up and you will find the large meeting room as pictured below. There is also an elevator available. Come in and Join Us.